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dead line造句

"dead line"是什么意思  
  • Oh , no ! i don ' t think i can make delivery before the dead line
  • Oh , no ! i do not think i can make delivery before the dead line
  • They did the project at a snail ' s pace and only half of it finished when the dead line came
  • Dead line is march 2nd so i must received all applications by february 28 to send all resumes overnight to california
  • Toby : just because we missed their dead line by one day , they ' re going to cancel all the projects assigned to us
  • Please kindly fax ( 0086 ) 010 - 87765441 this form back to the tournament office on or before the dead line
    请将此表于报名截止日期之前传真到赛事办公室,传真号( 0086 ) 010 - 87765441 。
  • I wrote a sign called " dead line " in front of myself , but love crossed it with a smile and said : " i can enter any where .
    我在自己面前写了一块“此路不通”的招牌,但爱情含笑而过,说“所有的地方我都能进去。 ”
  • This facility is important in some pbx systems which use nonstandard lines that certain modems will interpret as a dead line
  • Should either joint - venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to clause 5 , the default party should pay the other 10 % of the interest one month after the dead line
    例2 :如果合资一方未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约方应在逾期后一个月付给另一方10 %的利息。
  • The merit of travelling waves location is its high precision , but it has dead line if the fault location is close to the line terminal or the fault occurs at the time close to zero point of current
  • It's difficult to see dead line in a sentence. 用dead line造句挺难的
  • Should , either party of joint - venture fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to clause 5 , the default party should pay the other 10 % of the interest one month after the dead line
    例2 :如果合资一方未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约方应在逾期后一个月付给另一方10 %的利息。
  • Because affected by the type of lines , fault resistance and two sides systems , fault analytical location has lower precision , but it has no dead line and is more better accurate if the fault location is close to the line terminal
  • The clues and techniques to improve the resolution of data processing are 1 ) removing the affection of near surface factors on data acquisition , including static correction and noise eliminating technique etc , 2 ) broadening the frequency band of pre - stack seismic data , including amplitude compensation and pre - stack deconvolution etc , 3 ) improving s / n ratio of high frequency and weak reflection signals through multiple coverage with high precision velocity analysis , residual static correction and high - order nmo , raising " dead line of high frequency reflection " , and 4 ) identifying post stack effective reflection frequency band , enhancing dominant frequency and so on
    主要包括:消除近地表因素对资料采集的影响,包括静校正和噪音压制技术等;叠前拓宽地震资料领带,包括振幅补偿和叠前反褶积技术等;借助高精度速度分析、剩余静校正和高次项nmo技术,通过多次覆盖叠加,消除资料中随机噪声干扰、提高资料信噪比,尤其是高频端反射信息的信噪比,改善高频反射和弱反射信号信噪比,提高“高频反射死亡线” ;叠后有限反射颇带识别、抬高优势频率等。
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